Version 3 Released Today!


Simulator Screen Shot Apr 14, 2016, 12.33.59 PM

The main update here is a tab you can pull over which will prompt for feedback and App Store reviews.

Recent Contacts has been racking up downloads ever since version 2 came out (mainly due to the name change), getting around 100 each week. There are several other apps that offer similar functionality nowadays but I want Recent Contacts to be the best one by far. I think that getting enhancement requests from people who use it will be the best way to do that! And more reviews should hopefully lead to more downloads.

Version 3 also switches to AdMob for serving banner advertisements, replacing the soon-to-be-extinct iAd. I’m liking AdMob so far although their ads are not always that pretty-looking.

Lastly, if you get a new contact but don’t even get/save the name, the contact will be labeled by phone number or email (assuming you got one of those).