
Recent Contacts is an iPhone app that shows your most recently added contacts.

Feel free to add a comment here for any questions, problems, etc. You can also email me at kyle@kylegorlick.com. Hope you enjoy using it!

© 2015 Kyle Gorlick


7 thoughts on “About

  1. The app is telling me large bulk numbers were added on the exact same day and time. Why cant i find the actual times and days as i know the present information is incorrect

    1. Two possible reasons for this are:
      1) There was an iOS update a while back that incorrectly reset the “time-added” data for all contacts to when the update was installed.
      2) If you got a new phone and transferred contacts directly to the new phone instead of using iCloud. Nowadays, it is common to let iOS gather contacts from iCloud when activating a new phone, so this is a less likely reason.

      Unfortunately there is no reliable way to determine the actual dates for these contacts. You may be able to find them by looking at an older phone with Recent Contacts on it. I am looking into ways to prevent this from happening in the future.

      Thank you,

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